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Veľkosť rámika:Veľké | ![]() |
Hmotnosť rámika:20.2g | ![]() |
Materiál:TR90 | ![]() |
Tvar:Štvorcové | ![]() |
Pohlavie:Ženy | ![]() |
Rám:Plný Rám | |
Štítky:Okuliare proti Modrému SvetluHipsterské OkuliareOkuliare pre NerdeVeľké Okuliare |
PS: Veľkosť je ručne meraná. Môže dôjsť k miernym odchýlkam. Ospravedlňujeme sa za prípadné nepríjemnosti.
Typ produktu | Iba rámik/Nezdravotné šošovky | Nezdravotné šošovky | Jednoduchá vízia | Blokovanie modrého svetla | Bifokálne/progresívne | Tón/Mirror | Fotocromatické/polarizačné šošovky |
Čas spracovania | 24 hodín | 48 hodín | 3-5 pracovných dní | 3-5 pracovných dní | 5-7 pracovných dní | 5-7 pracovných dní | 3-5 pracovných dní |
Poznámka: Čas spracovania môže byť dlhší v závislosti od zložitosti šošoviek.
Krajina/Región | Všetky krajiny | United States | |
Spôsob doručenia | Štandardné doručenie | DHL Express | Pokročilé doručenie |
Odhadované doručenie | 14-18 pracovných dní | 3-5 pracovných dní | 7-10 pracovných dní |
Poznámka: Dodacia lehota môže byť ovplyvnená počas sviatkov.
Love these!!!! They are great quality and the shipping wasn't bad. Overall very happy with my purchase.
Love these!
I’m obsessed. I went from getting one, maybe 2, new pairs of glasses once every 2 or so years or just whenever I had the money to do so… Now, I’ve been getting 2-3 pairs every ornery month from lens mart. It does take a while to receive your order but the amount of money I have saved is well worth the wait… Not to mention all the different and unique styles, shapes and colors.
I’m obsessed. I went from getting one, maybe 2, new pairs of glasses once every 2 or so years or just whenever I had the money to do so… Now, I’ve been getting 2-3 pairs every ornery month from lens mart. It does take a while to receive your order but the amount of money I have saved is well worth the wait… Not to mention all the different and unique styles, shapes and colors.
I’m obsessed. I went from getting one, maybe 2, new pairs of glasses once every 2 or so years or just whenever I had the money to do so… Now, I’ve been getting 2-3 pairs every ornery month from lens mart. It does take a while to receive your order but the amount of money I have saved is well worth the wait… Not to mention all the different and unique styles, shapes and colors.
it's cute design , love it
Received. Thank you. Prettier than I thought they would be.
well design
Nice great fit
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