Blurred vision: what it is and how it happens

Lensmart 2023-03-31 14:40:50

Blurred vision is what you are experiencing when you look at things and they do not appear as clear or sharp as they are supposed to be. You can have blurred vision in just one eye or in both eyes at the same time. There are many possible reasons why blurred vision happens, but it is very important to figure out the cause so that you can remedy the situation.

glasses for blurred vision


Symptoms of Blurred Vision

There is no other symptom of blurred vision besides the actual blurriness of what you are seeing. However, the blurred vision itself can be a symptom of a number of other eye conditions. It may even be a side effect of an underlying illness like low blood sugar, diabetes, or preeclampsia in pregnant women. It might also be an offshoot of certain medications that you are taking.


Causes of Blurred Vision

1.Refractive Errors

Among the most common causes of blurred vision are refractive errors in the eye, which prevent you from focusing clearly on images. Nearsightedness and farsightedness are the most common cases. These are eye conditions that cause you to have difficulty seeing things that are too near or things that are too far. Astigmatism is another common refractive disease where the surface of your eye is not properly curved.


Refractive errors are the easiest to address among the causes of blurred vision. They can be reversed through surgery but if you don't want to go down that route, there are always eyeglasses and contact lenses that you can use to restore your vision.


2.Age-Related Eye Damage

There are certain changes in the eye that we cannot prevent as they are part of aging. Presbyopia is one such condition. As people get older, the eyes lose the flexibility that is needed for clear vision. The remedy for this would simply be the use of reading glasses.


Macular degeneration is another common cause of blurred vision that affects older people. In this case, the images right in front of you are the ones that would appear blurry. Other eye conditions that develop in senior patients are cataracts and glaucoma.


Early treatment is crucial in these cases. If you wait too long before addressing your blurred vision, it can quickly progress to permanent vision loss or even blindness.


3.Eye Injuries

Injuries to the eye can also cause you to experience blurred vision. Direct impact to the eye or a concussion will almost certainly cause blurriness of vision, and must be given medical attention right away. Oftentimes, these cases are temporary and your vision will revert to normal once the injury has healed.


4.Underlying Illness

In some cases, the sudden blurriness of your vision might be an indication that you are experiencing a more serious illness. A stroke or a transient ischemic attack can cause sudden blurred vision, as well as a rapid increase in blood pressure. A severe migraine might also cause your eyesight to blur.


There are also certain illnesses that will have an inevitable effect on your vision. For instance, diabetes can lead to diabetic retinopathy, where the blood vessels in the retina are severely weakened, diminishing your vision until you might almost become blind.


Individuals suffering from multiple sclerosis are also prone to optic neuritis, which is the irritation and eventual swelling of the optic nerve. As the condition persists, it can lead not only to blurred vision but even to blindness. Oftentimes, optic neuritis affects just one eye but there are also cases where it affects both eyes.


5.Genetic Disorders

In some cases, a person who seems to be perfectly healthy might develop gradually worsening blurred vision for no apparent reason. A likely cause of this could be a hereditary disorder of the optic nerve. A very rare type of genetic disease called retinitis pigmentosa could also be a reason.


Meanwhile, poor eyesight can also be inherited. If one or both of your parents are myopic or hyperopic for instance, there is a good possibility that you will develop the same vision problems eventually as well.


Treatments for Blurred Vision

The treatment of blurred vision is dependent on what is causing it in the first place.



If the condition is brought on by an underlying illness, the medications that you are taking for your illness might help diminish the blurriness of your vision. There might also be cases where the medication you need will be in the form of eye drops.



If your blurred vision is due to cataracts or severe refractive errors, you might benefit from surgical treatment. In these cases, your eye doctor might recommend the removal of cataracts or LASIK.


3.Home Remedies

You can do a few things on your own to help alleviate blurry vision. For starters, you can try getting enough sleep and maintaining a healthy diet to help with eye health. You should also practice protective measures for your eyes like wearing sunglasses outdoors, avoiding exposure to dust and smoke, and wearing the appropriate eye protection gear for risky activities.



If your blurred vision is caused by refractive errors and you do not wish to undergo surgery, the simple wearing of the right kind of prescription glasses or contact lenses would usually suffice.


FAQs about Blurred Vision

If you want to know more about blurred vision, check out the frequently asked questions below. You might find the answers to some of the questions that are on your mind right here.


1. Can glasses correct blurred vision?

Wearing glasses with the correct lens grade can give you 20/20 vision. But there are special kinds of corrective glasses that can train your eyes to revert to normal vision after a certain period.


2. Can blurry vision be fixed naturally?

In some cases, yes. If the blurry vision is due to dry eyes, all you need to do is blink more often or gently massage your eyelids, and you can see clearly in no time.


3. Is it normal to see blurry with new glasses?

It is quite common to experience blurry vision for a day or two after wearing a new pair of glasses. You should be able to see perfectly within a week at most.


4. Can dehydration lead to blurred vision?

It is possible to get dry eyes if you are dehydrated, and this condition has been known to cause blurry vision.


5. When should I see a doctor for blurred vision?

Most cases of blurred vision are mild and gradual – these do not need immediate medical attention. But if you experience a sudden and severe blurring of vision, it is crucial that you seek medical help right away as this could be a symptom of a more serious condition.


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