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Explained: Why do new glasses make you dizzy?

Lensmart 2022-08-19 15:30:07

Finally, you're getting your most anticipated eyeglasses. You probably will not have any problems if you're wearing non-prescription glasses. However, there are situations where you'll feel dizzy when wearing new glasses. This usually applies to people wearing new prescription glasses.

Is it normal? Will you get used to it along the way? Read along to find the answers.

Suitable new glasses

Why do new glasses make me dizzy?

It will take time for the brain to adjust to sudden changes in vision correction. Moreover, you need time to accept the new, sharper images as the correct ones. In some cases, you might also experience some headaches due to eye muscle strain. Additionally, there might be depth perception when wearing your glasses for the first time. This means that you will have issues identifying how near or far the images are.


Also, if you feel like seeing images tending to bend, especially in your periphery, it is one of the symptoms of wearing new glasses.


Is dizziness normal with new glasses?

Generally, it is normal. As you try your new prescription glasses, your eye doctor might have told you to take a few steps and look at various distances. This is their way of checking whether the prescription lenses do not go under or over the required grade for your eyes. They will even ask you if you feel dizzy or any eye discomfort while wearing the new eyeglasses.

This is because eye doctors know that getting dizzy is one of the primary concerns of most eyeglasses wearers. All you need is patience and getting used to your new prescription glasses. You may not get it the first few tries, but if you do not have underlying eye conditions that can cause dizziness, it might be gone before you know it.

How long does it take to get used to new glasses?

Besides asking your eye doctor, "Why do new glasses make me dizzy"? You probably are asking when you will move on from this discomfort. Until your eyes adjust to your new prescription glasses, it will feel as if your new glasses are not correcting your vision like the way your old glasses did. As you already know, this is a typical symptom when getting new glasses, and you will eventually get rid of it.

It might take a few days to get used to the new prescription and eliminate dizziness. However, it will also depend on various factors. Aging and astigmatism might also cause additional difficulties. In other cases, the symptoms will pass within the first week. Some may take longer than a week.

Even if you are getting new eyeglasses with the same prescription, you may still feel discomfort in the first few instances of wearing them. That is because different lenses and frames can alter your vision until you get used to the new lens types or frame styles.

The complexity of the prescription lenses and whether you purchase those with premium optics against the regular polycarbonate material all affect the adjustment period. It's also worth noting that progressive lenses might be the most challenging to adjust to.

Prevention tactics for new glasses dizziness

There's no such thing as a cure for this dizziness you feel when wearing glasses. After all, it will diminish as you get used to wearing the new frame. However, the following might also be good points to consider as you deal with dizziness.

1. Maintain a good mindset. 

Getting discouraged within the first few days of wearing your new glasses will not be ideal. It pays to practice a positive mental attitude. You must understand that the beginning stage is normal, and feeling uncomfortable is generally acceptable. More importantly, remember to give your body ample time to adjust to the changes. Even your brain needs it.

2. Avoid wearing your old frames. 

Since your brain needs to adjust to the changes, do not go back to wearing your old glasses. This will somehow spoil the routine and delay the duration of the brain adapting to the new pair of glasses.

3. Stay safe. 

Do not go elsewhere; instead, stay where youre and wait for the dizziness to subside. You might get into accidents while holding on to the discomfort the new glasses have caused.

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