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Is anti glare coating worth it?

Lensmart 2023-12-11 18:16:41

Most eyeglasses wearers seek added layers or coating on their lenses before buying one. A common feature of these added features includes the anti-glare coating. While others find this lens coating an upgrade to the regular ones, some still need clarification on how this feature works and what it does to the lenses of the eyeglasses.


Glasses with anti-glare lenses

What is anti-glare coating on glasses?

An anti glare coating on your eyeglasses is necessary to reduce the amount of light entering the eyes. As a result, the coating prevents possible eye damage and improves your eyesight. The lenses are generally equipped with a diffusive property that breaks down light rays into weaker, smaller, and unnoticeable rays that are not harmful to the eyes. Without the anti glare coating, the light passing through the lens generally bounces off, hence the glare.


Imagine talking to someone wearing eyeglasses on the phone and noticing that instead of seeing the eyes, all you see is a glare. That's because their lens does not have the anti glare coating. Most people confuse anti reflective coating with anti glare coating. They may be marketed as the same. However, one distinct difference is that an anti reflective coating protects against internal and external light sources, while anti glare is only for external light rays.

Is anti glare coating worth it?

An anti glare coating on your eyeglasses provides excellent benefits to the eyes. If you still need to decide about adding this coating to your lenses, here are a few reasons to convince you otherwise.


1. Lenses with anti glare coating improve one's eyesight by reducing bothersome glare, reflections, and halos. As a result, you won't have any obstructions when seeing things.


2. The coating provides comfort when using the computer for longer hours. As a result, it reduces the symptoms and effects of digital eye strain. You can also wear eyeglasses with anti glare coating when using your mobile phones.


3. It lessens glare when driving at night. People with vision concerns usually need glasses to see things clearly when driving, especially at night. As you know, glare can be bothersome when driving.


4. It allows for a better facial appearance. As mentioned, with an anti glare coating, people you talk to can see your face even when you're wearing spectacles.


How long does anti-glare coating last?

The lifespan of an anti glare coating is generally two years. It is the same with your eye prescription, which must be updated after a few years. Once the manufacturer puts the anti glare coating on your glasses, it relatively wears off when used over time. It will only serve its purpose if you replace your lenses with a new one.


If not properly taken care of, the anti glare coating eventually wears off earlier than two years. You must remember a few things to keep its coating: use a microfiber cloth when cleaning the lenses. Avoid wiping the lenses with just any fabric. Most importantly, keep the glasses in a case when not in use.


Is it worth buying anti-glare glasses?

Yes. The benefits mentioned above would relatively convince you that buying anti-glare glasses is essential to ensure the best functionality of your lenses. Most importantly, the coating gives you better visual acuity, regardless of the situation. You need not spend much as most manufacturers include anti glare as an added feature on their eyeglasses. Of course, you might have to inform them that you must customize the lenses with your eye prescription. This way, they can add the coating after changing the lenses.


Also, consider other factors when buying eyeglasses, including the frame style and color that should complement your facial features and skin tone. Since you're using the glasses most of the time, securing a durable one that can withstand possible bumps and other impacts is essential.

Buying eyeglasses is an investment for most people, so making the most of its benefits for a more extended period should be a priority. Considering the above mentioned points, you will surely get your money's worth.


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