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What is a stye and how to get rid of It?

Lensmart 2023-09-01 17:29:37

Have you ever had a red bump on the edge of your eyelid that was a bit painful but eventually went away on its own? You probably assumed that it was a pimple that was taking its time to dry up but more likely, you have had a mild encounter with a stye. A stye is very common and oftentimes, it is not a cause for concern and will not require special medication. But there are also cases where it is advisable to see a doctor in order to get proper treatment.

Hygienic skin without a stye

What Is a Stye?

A stye is medically known as a hordeolum. It is basically an infection in the eyelid that does look a lot like an acne pimple. It can appear either on the outer part of the upper or lower eyelid, or on the inner side of the upper or lower eyelid facing the eyeball. The first kind is called an external stye while the second is an internal stye.

Styes can appear in anyone regardless of race, age or gender. However, they are more common in adults than in children because the more mature oil glands, which are generally harder and thicker, are more prone to getting blocked.

What Causes a Stye?

There are two possible reasons why a stye can appear. One is a blockage in the gland in the eyelash follicle that produces oil, which then gets infected. This leads to the formation of an external stye. 

The second reason is when the inner eyelid glands get infected, which then results in the formation of an internal stye.

Although anyone can get styes, those with certain health conditions like diabetes, dandruff, rosacea, blepharitis, or high cholesterol are more likely to develop the infection. So if you have these conditions, it is advisable to be more prudent in maintaining proper eye hygiene in order to avoid getting a stye.

Newest Tips to Get Rid of a Stye Overnight

Without medical treatment, a stye typically lasts between one and two weeks. Traditionally, no treatment is really administered and people just wait one to two weeks after which the stye would naturally go away on its own. But these days, antibiotics are usually taken to prevent the worsening of the infection. Also, there are plenty of home remedies and other simple methods by which you can help speed up the healing process

1.Apply a Warm Compress

One of the most effective tips is to apply a warm compress over the affected eye. The pus rises to the surface because of the warm temperature and it naturally drains. Let the warm compress stay over the affected area for about 10 to 15 minutes, making sure that the water is not so hot that it will cause discomfort. In lieu of a washcloth, a tea bag works just as well for this purpose.

2.Take Medication

If you have seen a doctor and have been prescribed antibiotics, you should complete the regimen as the doctor has advised. Otherwise, you can also take some over-the-counter medications to help relieve the pain and the swelling. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen should work well.

3.Skip the Makeup

While your eye is in the process of healing, it is strongly advisable to avoid wearing makeup. Even the mildest makeup can exacerbate the infection and cause further delays in the healing process.

4.Don't Wear Contacts

Contacts are directly in contact with the inner parts of the eye and even if you clean the lenses very well, they can still easily cause bacteria to spread further into the infected area. In the meantime, you should only wear eyeglasses. It is also a good idea to get a fresh pair of contacts to use after the stye has healed in order to avoid recontamination.

How to Prevent Getting a Stye?

Good eye hygiene is usually all you need to minimize the risks of getting a stye. Wash your face only with water and a mild soap or facial wash. Stay away from harsh products, especially around the eye area. You should also clean your makeup brushes regularly. You might be surprised at all the bacteria lurking in your eye shadow brushes if you don't clean them often. Also, it is recommended that you no longer use eyeliners and mascara that are more than three months old as these might be harboring bacteria that can cause a stye.



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