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What are 20/10, 20/20, and 20/40 vision?

Lensmart 2022-02-12 14:23:11

Eighty percent of what an individual perceives comes through the sense of sight. The eyesight is one of the most significant senses in a person's body; hence the utmost care and protection must be executed to reduce the possibility of blindness, loss of vision, glaucoma, and cataracts.

Despite not having any vision concerns, getting regular eye exam at least once every two years is also essential. Nearsightedness or myopia is increasingly becoming very common in young people, increasing the risk of vision concerns as they age.

Optometrists generally use various equipment to check the quality of your vision. You sure might be wondering how 20/10, 20/20, and 20/40 vision differs from each other.

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What Does 20/10 Vision Mean?

To better understand these terms, it is proper to address first the meaning of these two numbers. Both representing distances are in the unit of feet.

The first number (20) corresponds to the standard distance the individual is being tested. The second number represents the distance a person has to be to see at a similar level of clarity a person sees at 20 feet.

In the simplest form, 20/10 vision means that you can see details like figures and letters at 20 feet that people with good vision can only see at a distance of ten feet. This is a rare case of visual acuity, with a little less than one percent of individuals achieving it. If you have these numbers, this means that your vision is relatively superior to an average individual.

What Does 20/20 Vision Mean?

An individual with a 20/20 vision can see details on a standard eye chart from twenty feet away. A 20/20 vision does not mean that it is the best; rather, it signifies that one's vision is normal. This is the most recognizable fraction, but you should know that there are many other fractions, too, better than the 20/20, including 20/10, which was previously discussed.

What Does 20/40 Vision Mean?

If your eye doctor told you that your visual acuity is 20/40, this generally means that you see things at twenty feet that most individuals who do not need eyeglasses or vision correction can see at 40 feet. This result indicates that you are slightly nearsighted.

In this case, one may or may not use eyeglasses or contacts to correct the vision. You can discuss your options regarding correcting your eyesight with your eye doctor.

Tips to Help Sharpen Your Vision

Before worrying about whether you have a 20/10, 20/20, or 20/40 vision, it is essential to maintain the best practice for a healthy eyesight. Aside from having a regular eye check-up, an individual can take care of their vision's health by doing some things.

These tips are straightforward. You do not need to give too much effort and just include them in your daily routine.

1. Good vision usually starts with your plate. Food like kale, collards, spinach, tuna, salmon, nuts, beans, eggs, citrus juices, and fruits, pork, and oyster are rich in lutein, vitamins E and C, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. These promote a well-balanced diet and help you stay at a relatively healthy weight. It is essential to note that obesity and type 2 diabetes can also lead to blindness in adults.

2. Avoid or quit smoking. People who smoke are likely to get cataracts, macular degeneration, and damage to a person's optic nerve.

3. There's more to sunglasses than just for fashion. They serve as protection from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Too much exposure to UV rays increases a person's chances of macular degeneration and cataracts. You can select a pair of shades that blocks 99% to 100% of UVB and UVA rays. Some contact lenses have UV protection, but it is still recommended to use sunglasses for an extra layer of protection.

4. Avoid looking at a computer screen for too long. This can lead to blurry vision, eye strain, headaches, dry eyes, body pains, and difficulty focusing at a distance. If your work needs you to be in front of a computer the whole day, you can take small breaks in between and rest your eyes.

5. Use protective goggles and safety glasses when doing work or household chores involving airborne and hazardous materials.

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