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Explained! why you shouldn’t sleep with contact lenses in

Lensmart 2022-06-06 11:30:47

It is a must to avoid sleeping with contacts in as this can lead to several eye infections. However, no matter how much one tries, there will always come when you decide to take a nap, but you end up sleeping for more hours with contacts on. 

It happens, with you not realizing it, when you're so tired from work or parties that you go straight to bed with contacts on. While you can say that these scenarios are the usual, it does not necessarily mean that they are good. This is mainly because sleeping with contacts brings potential risks to your eyes.


Contact lenses

Is it fine to sleep in contact lenses for a night?

In general, sleeping and contact lenses do not go too well. It is not safe to be sleeping wearing contacts. Even if it's just a nap, it can still harm you in the long run. The accidental or occasional nap with your contacts can increase the risks of infections. So if you think there is a possibility of falling asleep, the safest thing to do is remove your contacts first.

Suppose you slept with your contacts on, and by the time you wake up, ensure to remove them immediately. However, you have to assess whether you can remove them quickly. Avoid tugging them when they feel stuck. Instead, use the eye drops, then blink until they are easier to remove.

What are the effects if you accidentally sleep with contacts in?

Accidentally sleeping with contacts for one night can be forgivable. However, if you make it a habit, that's where the concern comes in. They can turn to routines, and successive sleeping with contact lenses increases the chances of serious health risks.

1. Your cornea might not get sufficient oxygen. Similar to other parts of your body, the cornea also needs oxygen for them to stay healthy. As you may know, contacts are usually made of thin plastic materials, which are not breathable. Additionally, this represents the thin, clear covering of your eyes, and it does not have any blood circulating to it. 

As a result of wearing contacts, the amount of air the eyes get decreases. And technically, the amount of oxygen the cornea gets will decrease since your eyes are closed. Sleeping and contact lenses can genuinely reduce the oxygen entering your eyes. Remember that the cornea needs oxygen to maintain its good shape.

2. It can cause eye infections. In the absence of sufficient oxygen, the cornea starts to swell up. In medical terms, it's called keratitis. This means that the eye's physiology is being altered and damaged. As this occurs, the inflammation will cause small gaps to appear across the eyes' surface. The symptoms of keratitis include irritated, itchy, red eyes. If left untreated, you can lose your eyes from the infection.

3. It can lead to pink eyes. Another usual side effect of wearing contact lenses is pink eye or conjunctivitis. This is a viral infection causing conjunctiva inflammation. Those who have pink eyes will experience discomfort and itching of the eyes. Additionally, you might feel bumps developed on the eyelid's inner surface, which could cause light sensitivity and pain.

Eye care tips for contact lens wearers

Wearing contact lenses can be handier than using eyeglasses. However, using contact lenses also entails thorough maintenance to avoid any infections. Here are some ways to keep your eyes safe and healthy while using contacts.

1. Clean and disinfect your contacts based on the manuals that came with them.

2. Replace your lens cases as required by your eye doctor. In most cases, they will advise to have it every one to three months to avoid bacterial eye infections.

3. Always throw the leftover solution after using. Avoid topping the existing solution with a new one.

4. When cleaning your lenses before placing them in your storage case, use a disinfecting solution.

5. Do not swim or stay in a hot tub while wearing contacts.

6. Avoid exposing contact lenses to water or saliva.

7. Ensure to wash your hands before handling the contacts.

8. Purchase a travel-sized solution when you travel. Do not pour the solution into a new container that probably has been exposed to contaminants.

9. Visit your eye doctor regularly. This ensures that you can track your eye health and get the correct prescriptions for your lenses.

How to choose the right contact lenses?

Wearing contact lenses means half of the decision probably lies in your eye doctor's advice and instructions. Half of which could be yours. Hence, here are some tips for choosing contact lenses.

1. Length of wear. There are those that you can wear for days up to a month. Also, single-day lenses are like disposable ones. If you hate cleaning their lenses, this could be your option. Those concerned with sleeping and contact lenses can opt for an overnight contact lens. It allows sufficient oxygen to reach the eyes. However, not all eye doctors recommend the last option.

2. Rigid or soft. Soft lenses are common as they are very comfortable to use. For rigid lenses, they are gas permeable, which means they can resist the deposit buildup. They have sharper acuity and are cheaper.

3. Specific needs. Consider your eye-related needs. Additionally, it can be beneficial to check whether you have allergies or dry eyes, as they can make wearing contact lenses challenging.

4. Types of lenses. Ask about multifocal and bifocal contacts if you need different lenses for reading and seeing distant objects. Your eye doctor can suggest what's good for you based on your eye health and condition.

5. Effects and colors. Whether it may be for fashion or you to quickly locate your lenses, colored contacts can do them for you. Some can even change the natural color of your eyes. Whichever your purpose is, ensure to get approval from your eye doctor.

6. Cost Lenses can be an investment too. It would help if you considered the lens type, effects, length of wear, and brand. All these factors can affect the cost of your lenses.

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