No data
Rahmengröße:Mittel | Linsenhöhe:51 mm |
Rahmengewicht:35.7g | Rahmenbreite:161 mm |
Material:TR90 | Linsenbreite:52 mm |
Form:Rund | Stegbreite:27 mm |
Geschlecht:Frauen | Bügellänge:147 mm |
Felge:Vollrand | |
Tags:BlaulichtbrillenHipster-BrillenCoole BrillenGünstige Brillen |
PS: Die Größe wird manuell per Hand gemessen. Es kann leichte Abweichungen geben. Entschuldigen Sie die Unannehmlichkeiten.
Produkttyp | Nur Rahmen / Ohne Rezept | Einzelsicht | Blaulichtfilter | Bifokal/Progressiv | Tönung/Spiegel | Photochrome / Polarisierte Gläser |
Verarbeitungszeit | 24 Stunden | 3-5 Werktage | 3-5 Werktage | 5-7 Werktage | 5-7 Werktage | 3-5 Werktage |
PS: Die Bearbeitungszeit kann je nach Komplexität Ihrer Linse länger dauern.
Land/Region | Alle Länder | United States | |
Versandmethode | Standardversand | DHL Express | Fortgeschrittener Versand |
Voraussichtliche Lieferung | 14-18 Werktage | 3-5 Werktage | 7-10 Werktage |
PS: Die Lieferzeit kann in Ferienzeiten beeinträchtigt sein.
Absolutely LOVE these glasses!!! They don't look as silly when wearing them as I thought they would! I wore them for my livestream on Halloween and they were a HTI!!!
So cute - I get compliments are every time I leave the house in these ????
Great frames at a great price--they don't fall off my head when I move around
My frames came in a decent time frame, were packaged well, clean, and they fit my face perfectly! Prescription is great as well. After spending $300 per pair for glasses, getting out with two great pairs for 10% of that price is amazing and I’ll definitely be ordering more!
They fit great and I like them.
I am very pleased with this purchase and happy that I got two pair exactly the same.
Fit perfectly at a low cost
Love the style and color, super lightweight
Thanks for the glasses they fit GREAT. My family loves them.
Very good fit and perfect clear prescription
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