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Rahmengröße:Mittel | Linsenhöhe:53 mm |
Rahmengewicht:34.2g | Rahmenbreite:145 mm |
Material:TR90 | Linsenbreite:54 mm |
Form:Quadrat | Stegbreite:12 mm |
Geschlecht:Frauen | Bügellänge:138 mm |
Felge:Vollrand | |
Tags:BlaulichtbrillenLesebrillenHipster-Brillen |
PS: Die Größe wird manuell per Hand gemessen. Es kann leichte Abweichungen geben. Entschuldigen Sie die Unannehmlichkeiten.
Produkttyp | Nur Rahmen / Ohne Rezept | Einzelsicht | Blaulichtfilter | Bifokal/Progressiv | Tönung/Spiegel | Photochrome / Polarisierte Gläser |
Verarbeitungszeit | 24 Stunden | 3-5 Werktage | 3-5 Werktage | 5-7 Werktage | 5-7 Werktage | 3-5 Werktage |
PS: Die Bearbeitungszeit kann je nach Komplexität Ihrer Linse länger dauern.
Land/Region | Alle Länder | United States | |
Versandmethode | Standardversand | DHL Express | Fortgeschrittener Versand |
Voraussichtliche Lieferung | 14-22 Werktage | 3-10 Werktage | 7-15 Werktage |
PS: Die Lieferzeit kann in Ferienzeiten beeinträchtigt sein.
This was a great order with lots of good frame styles and colors.
Lensmart was easy and fast. The price doesn't break the bank allowing for multiple pairs of glasses to be purchased.
Frames are always durable and looks better in person, even though very nice in the pictures. I am a repeat buyer. Thank you again for efficient service.
They fit perfectly and are extremely comfortable and stylish.
Love these just perfect! definitely would order again
Amazingly loving classy glasses ....Getting them in every color !
These glasses are comfortable and do the job! I am a computer tech and work on computers all day. They truly help with the blue light filtering and i get so many complaints.
I get a lot of comments on how cute these are and they definitely do a good job of dimming the bright white light from electronics.
They’re so stylish and affordable.
So cute n stylish! I will be ordering another pair!
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